New York Transit Museum

Concept Branding
The New York Transit Museum is the largest museum in the country dedicated to all things urban transit. The museum features many exciting exhibits, many of which are interactive. What makes it even more interesting, is that the entire museum is housed on an old subway station in Brooklyn. While the museum is interesting and unique, its branding was not. The goal of the rebranding is to ensure that more people visit the museum.

Museum Logo

New York Transit Museum Logo

Communications Package

Mockup of a Transit Museum business card, envelope, and letterhead

Souvenir Designs

Mockup of a gray shirt with large letters and numbers on it.
Mockup of five chest pin buttons. One purple button says, I'm Awesome, a dark blue button says, On track to being an all star, a dark green button says, Stand clear of the closing doors please, a gray button says, D, Coney Island, 6th Avenue Express, and a brown button says 7, 34th Street-Hudson Yards, Flushing Local
Mockup of two tan colored shopping bags. One bag says, Next Stop... Happiness, while the other says, Connect to Joy